Friday, August 12, 2011

The End of it all...

or is it?

Today I wrote the head gardener at Paloma and gave my notice that I will no longer be using the plot there. I will no longer be loading my bike up with randome tools and plants and taking the 2 min bike ride down to the Paloma Garden. I will miss that garden plot as I put so much work into it. Most of you have seen the before pictures, or the almost before pictures I guess. I remember getting the plot and the weeds were hip high and the dirt was very unforgiving and full of rocks.

We got tomatoes, sunflowers, carrots, potatoes, chards, pumpkins, snap peas, and a variety of other plants out of that garden in it's heyday. Now with feeling sick all the time it's a miracle when I am even outside.

I am hopeful that they will be able to find someone who would like to take over the plot as it is paid for through next year. The ladies who run this community service are nothing short of amazing by the way. The tips they know and the willing ness to help is a beautiful thing to see in action.

I wish I could have participated more in the classes they had going. they are always looking for ways to improve the garden and it has come so far from when I first joined. It is amazing and the people met there are always so nice. I will miss my little piece of heaven in Paloma.

On another good note, my oh so amazing boyfriend has been busy moving the earth for me. He knows how much I love being in the garden and how hard it is for me to get across town, or even ride my bike much more because of all the insanity my health is going through. So maybe it is not the end of my gardening after all, just my biking gardening... :(